Monday, November 8, 2010

Now is the moment to change your experiences

As humans, we are constantly facing and communicating with our soul (innate god). But when your mind and heart is clouded, you cannot sense that you are actually doing it.

Your family and everyone around you are your mirror image showing the truth about your sacred inner being.  

Shrines and kami-dana (altar), the yorishiro (tanzaku or a memorial stand) for kuyō are also tools to see the reflection of your inner true being.

 However, the more your ego grows, the more you are distant to your soul, the true divine inner being. And you will start to compare yourself to others. You start to worry what others think of you. These attitudes will pull you away from your inner divinity. The more you grow your ego, the more you will be unhappy, anxious and unstable. You might attain all material things, but you will still feel unfulfilled.

If you are unhappy, stop comparing yourself to others now!  Be grateful for what you have. You must realize, there more people in the world whom couldnt have what you have now and passed away.

If you see the world, just being alive is already a wonderful thing. And you are already a complete being as a soul. When you leave this plain, your ego and your soul will be separated. On the other hand, only when you are alive with your physical body, you are one with god. Only on this plain (dimension), can you feel the oneness.

So keep your innate divinity (your soul) in mind all the time. And just do your best. You dont have to be perfect. In this life, time is limited, so why not challenge all you can?  There is no failure and there is no success. It will all eventually pass. Experiences are all that matters. When you look back to your life, all the experiences you did with your good intentions will shine. The harder it was, the more it will shine. On the contrary, everything you did against your good will would create suffering to your soul no matter how successful it looked in the material world.

So when you are having a hard time don't worry. As long as you stay with your good will and be in gratitude, you will eventually become a shining light. The experiences you created with your good will would be valued later in your after life.

Live today by saying, ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu. Thank you for letting us live.
Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live

I would like to spread the Gratitude Awareness towards ancestral spirits and everything around us so 5% of the world population 

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